Preformulation Study Of Methotrexate Sodium (Mtx)

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Shibli Dabeer
Dr Manmeet Singh Saluja


Pre-formulation involves the use of biopharmaceutical concepts to determine the physicochemical parameters of a drug ingredient and excipients. The formulation design, manufacturing method, stability, pharmacokinetic qualities, and selection of container closure are all influenced by a range of physicochemical parameters. The main aim of the study is to conduct a preformulation research on methotrexate sodium in order to examine the drug's physicochemical characteristics and Creating, analyzing, and assessing PLGA-functionalized, methotrexate sodium loaded AuNPs (PLGA-MTX-AuNPs) for targeted and sustained administration and create, describe, and assess HA-MTX -AuNPs—methotrexate sodium loaded, hyaluronic acid functionalized AuNPs—for targeted and sustained administration and assess functionalized formulations utilizing flow cytometry and confocal imaging for cellular uptake and cytotoxicity studies, respectively, using MTT test

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Author Biographies

Shibli Dabeer

Research scholar, Dept of  Pharmacy, Sunrise University, Alwar Rajasthan.

Dr Manmeet Singh Saluja

Research supervisor, Dept of  Pharmacy, Sunrise University, Alwar Rajasthan.