Childhood Overweight Obesity And Associated Factors Among Urban Children In Auranagabad A Cross Sectional Study.

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Ms . Aarohi Sanjay Andhare
Dr. Swati D. Shende (Nakhale)


Background- Obesity in increasing global threat for many diseases and disorders.

Objectives- Objective of this study were to identify the associated risk factors in the study population and to assess the relationship with the risk factors.

Methods- This was the cross-sectional survey conducted using random sampling Aurangabad city. A total of 200 obese children studied. Dietary habits and lack of exercise, lifestyle factors was determined using questionnaire methods, BMI, MUAC tape. After successful evaluation of subjects, some dietary changes, lifestyle changes, regular 45 minutes of exercise is suggested and taken. results were taken after 15 days of regular session.

Results – In this present study it was noted that the 58% were male and 41% were female almost 97% children’s were come to school by vehicle. The frequency of junk food is higher than vegetables, fruits. This leads to obesity in children. In our study  focus on the on lifestyle intervention plan for  children’s  it was shown that the positive effect on improved participants dietary pattern and was effective in reducing excess weight programme was conducted for 30 days including with physical activity and nutritional counselling on obese adolescents and found a reduction in body weight.

Conclusion - It concludes a higher prevalence of obesity among study subjects. It is implemented that decreased fast foods, having regular exercise, eating fiber, complex carbs, and essential fats are important to prevent obesity for better performance in study, for stronger immunity and better life style.

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Author Biographies

Ms . Aarohi Sanjay Andhare

Masters Student of Indian Institute of Food Science and Technology


Dr. Swati D. Shende (Nakhale)

Principal, Indian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Aurangabad, Maharashtra