"Efficacy Of Homoeopathic Medicines In Cases Of Fungal Infections Of Skin On The Basis Of Totality Of Symptoms"- An Observational Study

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C S Sharma


Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess the efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines in the cases of fungal infections of skin on the basis of Totality of symptoms.

Materials and Methods: This was an observational study conducted Dr MPK Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur

Results: A total of 50 patients (30 men and 20 women) were included in the study. Fungal Infection of skin was diagnosed based on clinical symptoms and laboratory reports of direct microscopic examination. All patients were prescribed homoeopathic medicines along with dietary and precautionary management. The patients were prescribed 9 cases of each (18%) Sepia and Nat Mur, 7 cases of each (14%) Sulphur and Merc. Sol, 6 cases (12%) with Ars Alb, 4 cases (8%) with Graphitis, 3 cases of each (6%) were Silicea and Lyco , 2 cases (4%) of Psori. on the basis of totality and symptoms and individualization. Improvement was assessed in four different categories: Marked, moderate, mild and no improvement. The patients improved clinically as well as pathologically. Out of 50 cases, 43 cases (86%) were show improvement, 3 cases (6%) were status quo and 4 cases (8%) were dropped out after treatment.

Conclusion: This study showed that homoeopathic treatment is very effective in reducing clinical symptoms and curing fungal infection of skin.

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Associate Professor& HOD, Dept. Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Dr. M P K Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan. 

C S Sharma

Associate Professor Dept. of Practice of Medicine, Dr. M P K Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan