Study Of the Effect of MS, DKW, And Wpm Media on In-Vitro Micropropagation of Ginger
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This study aims to determine the most suitable culture media for growing ginger plantlets in a controlled environment. Three different types of growth media Murashige & Skoog (MS), Driver and Kuniyuki Walnut (DKW), and Woody Plant Medium (WPM) were analyzed to identify the most optimal one that promotes the best growth of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) plantlets. Ginger plantlets were inoculated into each medium and incubated under specific light and temperature conditions to assess their performance. The DKW Media supported the highest fresh weight mean of 753.33 mg. The mean dry weight was 129.2 mg. Conversely, The MS medium proved the most effective for shoot initiation, averaging 8 days and the MS medium excelled in root initiation, averaging 10 days. MS medium also resulted in the maximum plant height, averaging 4.53 cm. The dry weight percentage in the MS medium averaged 86.2%. DKW medium was found to be the most effective for fresh weight and dry weight. However, MS medium performed better for shoot initiation, root initiation, plant height, and dry weight percentage. Through this study, we have tried to develop the best culture conditions for producing ginger plantlets which can help to improve the creation of more effective in-vitro propagation techniques and ultimately increased production of ginger.