Impact Of Trusted Third-Party Auditors On Cloud Data Integrity And Security

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Maral Vikas Balaso
Dr. Rakesh kumar Giri


The increasing reliance on cloud computing services has raised concerns over data integrity and security. As organizations and individuals entrust their sensitive data to cloud service providers (CSPs), ensuring the integrity of data and maintaining its security have become critical challenges. One solution that has gained significant attention is the use of trusted third-party auditors (TPAs) to verify the integrity of cloud data. This paper explores the role of TPAs in cloud computing, analyzing how they contribute to data integrity and security. We discuss the challenges involved in auditing cloud data, the mechanisms employed by TPAs, and the benefits of their involvement. We also consider potential risks and limitations associated with TPA-based solutions. Finally, the paper proposes future directions for research in this area to improve cloud data integrity and security through enhanced auditing practices.

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Author Biographies

Maral Vikas Balaso

Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan

Dr. Rakesh kumar Giri

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan