Diversity Of Fishes Under the Genus Schistura Mcclelland 1838 (CYPRINIFORMES: NEMACHEILIDAE) From Kaladan Drainage of Mizoram, Northeastern India.

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Beihrosa Solo


A survey on the diversity of Schistura species in the Kaladan drainage of Mizoram during the year 2022 revealed the presence of five species within the genus: Schistura andrewi, Schistura porocephala, Schistura koladynensis, Schistura scyphovecteta, and Schistura nebeshwari. Among these, Schistura andrewi was found at only one study site, while the other species exhibited a broader and more dominant distribution throughout the Kaladan drainage of Mizoram.

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Author Biography

Beihrosa Solo

Department of Zoology, Government Serchhip College, Serchhip-Mizoram, India,796181.