Choice Of Restorative Material by Dentist for Class I Caries in First Mandibular Primary Molar In 3–6-Year-Old Children.
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Dental caries has been a highly prevalent and common oral ailment in the world, representing the most common infectious disease in the pediatric population as well as the adult population. Caries risk is greater in children from rural settings, poor and from ethnic background or who have limited access to dental care. The aim of this study was to examine the choice of restorative material for class I restorations and to know which material is commonly used among dentists among children between 3 to 6 years old in the first primary mandibular molar. The study was conducted in a university based setting. Data was collected from the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS). The sample size that was taken is 6668 patient’s dental status, who came to the private dental institute for consultation. The inclusion criteria for the current study were children who underwent Class I restoration in first primary mandibular molars, children between the age of 3-6 years age, complete photographic and written records regarding the complete intra-oral examination of the patient. The data was tabulated in Microsoft Excel and analysed using SPSS. Pearson Chi Square Test was done. The correlation between types of restorative materials used and age of children was statistically not significant, whereas the correlation between types of restorative materials used and gender were statistically significant. As a conclusion, GIC Type 2 was the most opted choice for class 1 restorations but in current study proposed use of light cure restoration was low. Glass ionomer cement was the most popular tooth-coloured material chosen ( Both type 2 and 9 ).