Investigation on Material Removal Rate in CNC drilling operation on Hybrid epoxy Composite with and without the reinforcement of Natural Fibre (5%) and Aluminium Oxide Particle (5%)
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Aim: The motive of this research is to investigate MRR during CNC drilling of natural fibre (5%) and nano aluminium oxide particles (5%) reinforced novel hybrid epoxy composites and comparison with plain epoxy. Materials and Methods: The samples of both the groups were fabricated using a hand-layup technique. For Group 1, combinations of sisal fiber, nano aluminium oxide particles and plain epoxy were used, whereas in Group 2, only plain epoxy was used. The samples were prepared as per standards and drilling is performed using a vertical CNC machine. The MRR (material removal rate) of the samples were investigated and compared between the groups by performing 9 experiments (along with one repetition) per group, in total 18 per group. The number of samples were selected with g power of 80%.Results: T- independent tests were performed using SPSS statistical software tool to investigate the material removal rate. From the results of material removal rate, Group-1 comprising epoxy (75 wt. %)/Sisal fibre (5 wt. %)/ nano aluminium oxide particles (5 wt.%) exhibited an average of 0.4466 mm3/sec, Group-2 comprising plain epoxy exhibited an average 0.1551 mm3/sec. Based on T-test statistical analysis, it is found that there is a significant p=0.001 (p<0.05) difference in the mean variance of MRR between Group 1 and Group 2.Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it is clearly understood that the inclusion of reinforcements like Sisal fiber and nano aluminium oxide particles have significant influence on the improvement in MRR.