For successful long-term cryopreservation, studies compare the effects of tris-citric acid and tris-based extender (egg yolk-free) on a number of semen characteristics.
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Aim: To find the best qualified novel semen extender for a longer duration of cryopreservation technique between the two extenders that is, tris citric acid extender and tris based extender (egg yolk free). Materials and Methods: Sample size by ClinCalc with the alpha error threshold of 0.05, g power was 80%,enrolment ratio was 1 and 95% confidence interval. The research was repeated 14 times (N = 14) and measured the statistical Independent Samples Test for the semen samples. The research had two different groups such as tris citric acid extender and tris based extender (egg yolk free) with 28 semen samples. Semen sample in a collection tube and separated the sperm cell then added those two extenders separately and mixed it and then a small amount of the diluted semen samples were dropped on to the makler counting device and analyzed with the CASA software. Results: Tris citric acid based novel semen extender showed better results than tris based egg yolk free based novel semen extender. Evaluation of the sperm count and motility proved to be greater than the P <0.05, therefore it is insignificant. Conclusion: Tris citric acid extender showed better results for both the sperm count and sperm motility when compared with tris based egg yolk free extender for post thawed cryopreservation.