Grid-Connected Wind Energy Conversion System Voltage Profile Improvement Using SVC Compared with VSC by Reducing Voltage Flicker
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Aim: The main aim of the research is about improving the voltage profile in Grid-connected Wind Energy Conversion Systems. The comparative analysis on voltage profile minimization in the Grid-connected based Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) is done by using Innovative Static Var Compensator (SVC) compared with Voltage Source Converter (VSC). The switches involved in both FACTS controlling devices are controlled by aGrid optimization controller. Materials and Methods: SVC and VSC controllers are implemented in Grid-connected WECS to analyze the improvement of voltage profile under a wind speed of 12m/s. The sample size has been calculated using G power software and it has 14 samples for both groups. The significance value is determined as 0.003 (p<0.05, statistically significant) based on SPSS analysis. Results: Based on the results obtained it is inferred that the SVC controller based Wind Energy System has better voltage profile 80.05% when compared to VSC 70.89%. Conclusion: Voltage profile-based Grid-connected wind energy system using SVC controller provides better voltage profile improvement when compared to VSC employing Grid optimization controller for the selected date.