Remote Sensing Image Segmentation and Classification Using LeNet as a Novel Approach for Logistic Regression with Improved Accuracy

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K. Venkata Vinay Kumar Reddy, John Justin Thangaraj. S


Aim: Image classification includes analyzing and categorizing specific objects over the pictures. Our main purpose is to assess the performance of two types of classifiers used in image segmentation. One image of every location is randomly selected and changed into the bitmap formation to create the test type dataset consisting of 5 locations from the 400 different satellite images. Total 10 numbers of iterations computed with400 images which were collected from 5 various locations. The images were collected at different views. Materials and Methods: The classifiers are making use to segment the remote sensor images using the LeNet framework and Logistic Regression. In this research work, The ORL kind image database is used for analysis, and the implementation is processed with the assistance of Python programming. Results and Discussion:  The outcome of novel LeNet compared with Logistic Regression, which has an accuracy of 95.68%, the classifier accuracy confirmed with 93.74%. The two algorithms are statistically satisfied with the independent sample t-Test two tailed is 0.466 (

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