Cryptosystem in artificial neural network in Internet of Medical Things in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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Nomaan Jaweed Mohammed, Mohamed Manzoor Ul Hassan


The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has revolutionized the healthcare industry by providing remote patient monitoring and real-time data analysis. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have also emerged as a significant technology in the healthcare industry, allowing quick and efficient transportation of medical based supplies and the equipment to remote areas. However, these advancements have also brought the challenge of securing sensitive medical data and communication channels. Cryptography, which is the practice of secure communication, can offer a solution to this challenge. The integration of cryptography with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in IoMT and UAVs can provide a secure and efficient communication channel. This paper explores the potential of Cryptosystem in ANN in securing communication channels in IoMT and UAVs. We discuss the different types of cryptography and their applications in ANN, IoMT, and UAVs. We also explore the challenges and opportunities of integrating Cryptosystem in ANN in securing communication channels in IoMT and UAVs. Overall, this paper provides a comprehensive understanding of the potential of Cryptosystem in ANN in securing communication channels in IoMT and UAVs, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity in the healthcare industry.

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