Impaired Endogen Fibrinolysis in Patients with Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease

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Nurillaeva Nargiza Mukhtarkhanovna, Zokirova Muborakkhon Bobir qizi


Cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of mortality all of the world. Hypercoagulability is one of the pathogenetic mechanisms for the development of coronary heart disease. In our study, the main goal was to evaluate new markers of hypercoagulability and to establish the relationship between risk factors for coronary heart disease. Our results showed that The TAFI level in patients was authentically increased by 2.3 more time in patients compared to healthy individuals. At the same time, we found strong correlation between TAFI and the main risk factors of ischemic heart disease such as ADS, AH, obesity.

Key words: Ischemic heart disease, hypercoagulation, Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI), risk factors.

Results. Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) represent a larger socially important problem as take the leading place in structure of a mortality, loss of disability and an invalidism of able-bodied population [16]. Hypercoagulability, a condition in which the hemostatic balance is tilted towards thrombus formation, increases the risk of arterial thrombosis. Due to its role in the balance between coagulation and fibrinolysis, thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) may be involved in the development of cardiovascular diseases [17,18]. The data obtained in the study reflected the total content of the biomarker in the blood, its relationship with risk factors of coronary heart disease.

Conclusion. Assessment of the results obtained in this study researches can this essential life on the assumption that the early development of coronary heart disease, especially at untimely eliminate the dominant risk factors, as established by correlation relationship of TAFI with smoking, obesity, ADS and cholesterol.

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