Implementation of APBD Budget Oversight in the Jayapura Regency DPRD in the Health Sector During the Covid 19 Pandemic

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Cintiya Ruliani Talantan, Maria Yeti Andrias, Ariyanto, Ahmad Rifai Rahawarin, Farida Tuharea , Mursani, Zonita Zirhani Rumalean, Anugrah Patah


The implementation of the handling of COVID-19 carried out by the local government of Jayapura Regency is carried out by recessing members of the Jayapura Regency People's Representative Council (DPRD) with constituents through selected areas. And this can also be done through a coordination meeting with the task force team and the regional apparatus organization (OPD) of Jayapura Regency regarding the implementation of COVID-19 handling activities in Jayapura Regency. Based on this, the Jayapura Regency DPRD decided not to form a special team (Pansus). Because this is considered ineffective considering that the special committee is only in charge for a certain period of time, so the Jayapura Regency DPRD prefers to hold regular coordination meetings. And obstacle the oversight function of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly regarding the budget for the implementation of the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic consists of 2, namely the first obstacle is due to external factors, for example educational factors, infrastructure and the second is also due to internal factors, namely morality and internal parties where board members are subject to party decision.


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