The Threats and Dimensions of Security Systems in Electronic Commerce

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Waheeb Abu-ulbeh, Yazeed Al Moaiad, Abdilahi Liban, Mazen Mohammed Farea, Wafa Abdulkarem Al-Haithami, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary


E-commerce is a buying and selling platform via the internet, and the transaction of money also must be made online. This platform needs to have good security to ensure the trust of customers. Trust from consumers is needed to continue this business, because of that security system must be constantly improved and upgraded to a better version. The security system of e-commerce must be tightly secure to ensure all consumers’ privacy and personal information do not get leaked by hackers. E-commerce offers a great opportunity to the online banking and online shopping industry, but also has a high risk of security threats. This article shows the difficulties of asset and transaction security in e-commerce components and operations. Because substantial sums of public money are involved in the transactions, the importance of data security and privacy is not overstated in this industry. The article goes on to highlight the security requirements of e-commerce systems from potential threats and weaknesses after looking at the technologies utilized in e-commerce. The challenge of e-commerce security is then considered as one of engineering management, and a lifecycle solution is proposed. This report will discuss the threats in E-commerce and all dimensions of e-commerce. Besides that, this report will explain the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce, and also the solution on how to counter the threats to the security system of E-commerce. A lot of issues discussed here are important for online shopping or e-commerce platform users because they will educate them to be more careful when making an online transaction. This report also persuades customers to be more confident in the e-commerce security systems.

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