Classification Of Skin Disease Using Deep Learning Algorithm

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Senthil kumar K, Tendulkar K, Gunase karan M, Praveen M


Humans have always been susceptible to skin disorders, and today many people suffer from a wide variety of skin conditions. The psychological and emotional toll of these conditions is bad enough, but they also increase your risk of developing skin cancer. Due to the lack of ocular judgement in skin disease countenances, medical experts and sophisticated procedures are required for identification of these conditions. The planned framework makes use of in-depth teaching strategies including the creation of a CNN. The Classification of Skin Diseases has collected a Dataset of concepts related to seven disorders. Melanoma, nevi, seborrheic keratoses, and other skin disorders are included. Images of wounds and burns, considered private and unseemly by the majority of the existing wholes, were collected to round out the dataset. By replacing labor-intensive manual processes like feature ancestry and file rebuilding for classification, Deep Learning algorithms have become commonplace.


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