Nuclear Structure of 44-46Ti isotopes using shell model by OXBASH code

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Ali K. Hasan, Hanan K. Chyad


Studying 44-46 Ti nuclei's nuclear composition in the shell model's framework was a key to understand the electronic transition at two orbitals (1d3/2 and 1f7/2 ) and Even-even nucleus. Furthermore 40Ca shell is considered to be closed. The explanation nucleus’s excited states of 44-46 Ti with neutrons (N=22,24) with 4 to 6 nucleons outside of closed shell. The energy levels were calculated using the shell model and decrease in the probability of the electric quadruple transition B (E2) for the 44-46 Ti isotopes by utilizing the OXBASH code included within the f7 shell in conjunction with the F7MBZ& F742, The findings were analyzed and contrasted with certain previous experimental values. It was determined that the obtained theoretical results and the experimental data agree. There were a good agreement with theoretical and experimental results which paved the rode for more applications. Ultimately, through this study, the best effective effort was reached, which is F7MBZ .

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