Effect of Sulfur Emissions and Spills on the Biodiversity

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Wisam M. Kareem Al-Khazaali, Seyed Ahmed Ataei, Saeed Khesareh



Sulfur emissions and spills are a major environmental concern due to their harmful effects on biodiversity. The release of sulfur compounds such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) into the atmosphere can result in acid rain, which can have detrimental impacts on soil and water quality. Hazards associated with sulfur emissions and spills include respiratory and cardiovascular problems, as well as damage to crops and buildings. Risk assessments are essential for determining the potential impact of sulfur emissions and spills on human health and the environment, and for implementing appropriate management strategies. Regulatory agencies such as the EPA and OSHA have established guidelines and regulations to ensure the safe handling and disposal of sulfur-containing substances. Determination methods such as gas chromatography and mass spectrometry are used to detect and quantify sulfur compounds in environmental samples. Overall, the prevention of sulfur emissions and spills is crucial for protecting biodiversity and minimizing their negative impacts on human health and the environment.


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Author Biography

Wisam M. Kareem Al-Khazaali, Seyed Ahmed Ataei, Saeed Khesareh