Using pgp2, pgp3 and chxR genes as Agenetic Markers for Detecting the Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis in Women with Ectopic Pregnancy Vaccinated Against SARS-Covid -19

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Hassan Akram Abdallah, Essra Ghanim Al sammak



Chlamydial infection is one of the common causative agents of ectopic pregnancy in the cervix of symptomatic /asymptomatic woman . The current study includes 340 endocervical swab samples collected from women   suffering from signs or symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, the presence of C. trachomatis infection, abdominal discomfort, and vaginal bleeding by the gynecologist and had risk factors for this infection. A total of (340) women aged between (15->44) years were diagnosed by the consultant  in Mosul Hospital ,Mosul ,Nineveh ,Iraq and Al-Batool Hospital ,Mosul ,Nineveh ,Iraq during the period(from Augest 2022 to Fabruary 2023).

     The aim of this study is to Chlamydia trachomatis in patients with (EP) by using Giemsa stain ,immunoprecipitation and molecular detection techniques for pgp2,pgp3,and chxR genes diagnostic of C. trachomatis infection . from each women  5 ml of venous blood was collected from each sample to detect the Immunoglobulin (IgG) for women vaccinated with SARS-Covid -19 by using rapid immunoprecipitation.The result showed that C.trachomatis was presented in 27/340 (7.9%) diagnosed by Giemsa stain ,21/340 (6.1%) diagnosed by immunoprecipitation, and 11/340 (3.2%) diagnosed by conventional PCR.Out of 6/182 (3.3%) of vaccinated women who were infected with C. trachomatis , women had (EP) 1/6 was IgG positive and for non vcccinated women, Chlamydia  infection was detected in 21/158(13.3%) women.

Pgp2,pgp3 and chxR genes used as genetic markers via conventional PCR by using primer designed in this study all of them gave approximate results 11/340 (3.2%) (all the positive are from ectopic pregnancy women).

Also, the results showed that the isolation rate in age group (25-34) years was the more dominate than other age groups.


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Author Biography

Hassan Akram Abdallah, Essra Ghanim Al sammak