Detection of Cadmium and lead metals contamination in the water and Carp fish of AL- Delmj marsh

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Mustafa Sabar Maher, Kadhim Hassan Abbas



The current study showed Samples of fish were taken during two separate seasons, the first of which lasted from October 21 to December 15, 2021, and the second of which lasted from April 25 to June 30, 2022. From the center of the AL-Dalamj Marsh, samples were taken (5) times each day from (10) different locations and methods, Testing was done on three components from the sample, which are (liver, gills and muscles). In conjunction with the fisherman, it was decided upon by the marsh's officials to take samples at several locations throughout the marsh. 50 Samples from Cyprinus Carpio for every season Heavy metals are well-known environmental pollutants due to their toxicity and ability to bioaccumulate in the bodies of living organisms at various stages of the food chain Heavy metal contamination in the environment can occur from different natural and anthropogenic sources. The natural sources of heavy metals are mainly volcanic eruption and weathering of metal-bearing rocks, while the anthropogenic sources of heavy metals include agricultural and industrial activities, combustion of fossil fuel and gasoline, waste incinerators, mining, etc. The mobilization of these heavy metals to the aquatic ecosystem alters the physicochemical property of water which is hazardous for aquatic organisms. Heavy metals mainly enter the fish body through gills, body surface and digestive tract during ingestion of metal accumulated food materials.

The current study showed that the concentration of  cadmium (Cd) in the organs of carp fish fish was significantly increased from its means  in the while the means, as it reached (0.176) µg/gm (0.5266) f irst season decreased in the second season for carp fish,

As for the lead element (Pb) the study showed that its means concentrations in the organs of carp fish was significantly increased from its means  in the first season, as it reached (8.796µg/gm)  while the means decreased in the second season(4.213) for carp fish , , The results of water samples analysis showed that the means were the highest concentrations of Pb during the second season of the study and they were (0.061µg/gm) and the highest concentrations of Cd during the first season of the study and they were (0.016±µg/gm).

The study concluded that the fish in the Dalmaj Marsh were affected by pollution with heavy metals of all kinds and exceeded the limits set by public health organizations, We found that the percentage of the cadmium element in the water according to the world Health Organization 2003 (WHO) in the water is (0.003 µg/gm) and in the fish (0.5 µg/gm )while the percentage of the lead element in the water is (0.001 µg/gm)and in the fish is (2.0 µg/gm) which requires great attention to the aquatic environment and support for that important productive sector.


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Author Biography

Mustafa Sabar Maher, Kadhim Hassan Abbas