Microscopic and Molecular Detection of Entamoeba species in Domastic dogs in Al-Diwaniyah Province

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Russul bassim mohammed, Noor Idan Jarad



The aim of this study which conducted in Al-Diwaniyah province during the period from septemper (2022) to march (2023) was to determine the prevalence of Entamoba  infection in human and study the effect of some epidemiological factor such as sex ,age and months on the infection rates addition to that and molecular identification of Entamoba. 105  stool sample were collected, from domatic dogs in four different regions in Al-Diwaniyah province included (AlShamiya, Al-Sunyih, Ghamas and Al-Mohanawih) at one visit per a week for each regions. The results of microscopic examination showed that  105(42.85%) of  domastic dogs were infected. according to the sex  The present study recorded high infection rate  in males than females. In dog, It was 58.33%, in males and 22.22% in females with Significant difference at P<0.05, according to the age     present study recorded high infection rate  in males than females. In dog, It was 58.33%, in males and 22.22% in females  with  significant difference at P<0.05, according to the months of  The study found significant differences (p<0.05) in the Infection rates of  Entamoeba spp in dogs during  the months of the study, The highest infection rate was 100% occurred in December, while the lowest  was 6.66% was recorded in march., The total results of PCR technique showed that, out of 100 dogs samples (50%) were positive for (18S rRNA) gen.          


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Author Biography

Russul bassim mohammed, Noor Idan Jarad