On subclass of Bazilevic function With Chebyshev polynomial

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Luay Thabit Ahmed, Abdul Rahman S. Juma


In the current work, we determine specific coefficients of the subclass S (β, r) of univalent functions using chebyshev polynomials and estimate the pertinent relationship of the renowned traditional functions in this class are subject to the Fekete-Szegö inequality.Introduction and definitions:

If the unit disk is U since

U= {w : w ÎË , ½w½ <1}.

 let A represent the class of analytical operationsinU, fulfilling the requirements £(0)=0 and £^˴ (0)=1.

Let S make reference to the category of all univalent functions that are members of the normalized analytic function A.


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Author Biography

Luay Thabit Ahmed, Abdul Rahman S. Juma