A Review on Role of Assisted Reproductive Technology (IVF) in Modern Society: Hope, Opportunity, and Ethics

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Pragya Maheswari, Varsha Gupta, Deepesh K Neelam, Mansvi Yadav, Devki, Priyansha Raj, Ravi Kant Rahi


Assisted reproductive technologies are a boon to humankind as they are changing lives of couples which are struggling to have offspring’s. Over the last few decades, they are widely spread around the globe. During this review will discuss about the success, advantages, and drawbacks of several assisted reproductive technologies such as In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), gamete transfer and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). This review also covers the factors which lead to the infertility in both male and females such as routine life and environmental factors. In conclusion, reproductive technology has changed the field of reproductive medicine and brought hope and opportunities to people and couples who are having trouble conceiving or having children due to genetic diseases or any socio-environmental factors. There are some ethical issues also connected with bad practices of ART’s. In order to navigate the ethical dilemmas and ensure that reproductive technologies are used in a manner that promotes the well-being and rights of all individuals involved. It is the moral duty of policymakers, health professionals, health advisors and above all, the whole community to develop and practice a better policy.


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Author Biography

Pragya Maheswari, Varsha Gupta, Deepesh K Neelam, Mansvi Yadav, Devki, Priyansha Raj, Ravi Kant Rahi