The Elevation of Serum Subfatin Levels in Patients with Double Diabetes

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Hussein Jawad Hassan, Taghreed Uloom Mohammad, Ekhlas Khalid Hameed


Background: Hybrid diabetes (or double diabetes, DD) occur when the patient which exhibits characteristics that combine type 1 diabetes (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Formerly epidemiological studies found that quarter of people with T1D also had the metabolic syndrome. Subfatin, Also called cometin, it is a small (~27kDa) cytokine secreted by protein encoded by a gene called  METRNL (simeler of meteorin). is much expressed in skin in the mucosal tissues and activated macrophages. Subfatin has also been described as a hormone that effected in some diseases such as metabolic diseases (including dyslipidemia), type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Objectives: The current study objective is evaluating the subfatin in the blood serum of double diabetes patients to find predictive significance of diagnosis for this disease.                                                       

Subjects and methods: Eighty individuals were studied , divided them into two groups  . Forty patients with double diabetes represented the first group (G1), and the second group (G2), which represented the control group, consisted of (40) individuals, and the range ages of the study were  (18-60)years. Whole blood was used to determine HbA1c. Samples were centrifuged, and the obtained serum was used to evaluate other biochemical markers. The technique used to determine the level of subfatin in the blood was a quantitative sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

Results: A significant increase shown by this study in the serum levels of subfatin in (DD) patients (n = 40) compared with control subjects (n = 40) (p value < 0.05). The ROC curves analysis for serum subfatin level when used as test for diagnosis subjects into of double diabetes cases (G1) and control group (G2), showed the AUC  ( area under curve) for serum of subfatin was (1.000) have  interval  of confidence (95% ) and both lower and upper bound was (1.000).

Conclusions: serum subfatin level could be a used as a novel biomarker of double diabetes (DD) and may contribute to the early diagnosis of diabetes.



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Author Biography

Hussein Jawad Hassan, Taghreed Uloom Mohammad, Ekhlas Khalid Hameed