Influence crude secondary metabolite of entomopathogenic B. bassiana and T. harizanium fungi on mortality larvae stages of Culex pipiens

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Mohammed Qasim Waheeb, Sadik Thajeb Ali, Haider Radhi Malih


    Culex pipiens mosquitos are thought to be vectors for many arboviruses, including West Nile virus and encephalitis virus, which have a global impact on human health. The natural management of this pest's aquatic stages is critical for sustaining an insecticide-free environment. The current study focused on the biological and biochemical effects of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Trichoderma harizanium on Culex pipiens laboratory colony  larvae of instar.  The results showed the effect of overlapping the concentrations of secondary metabolite for fungi  Beauveria bassaina and Trichoderma harizanium on mortality of the four larval instars of  C.pipiens mosquito which seems the exceed of B. bassaina more than T. harizanium in mortality of  four larva instars and for all concentrations . The concentration 150 ppm demonstrated more concentrations in mortality for all fungi after incubation period (21) days.



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Mohammed Qasim Waheeb, Sadik Thajeb Ali, Haider Radhi Malih