Exploring the Potential of Fuzzy Domination Graphs in Aquatic Animal Health and Survival Studies.
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In a number of study areas, fuzzy dominance graphs have been used to pinpoint important variables and their connections. In this work, we looked examined how fuzzy dominance graphs can help us better understand the elements that affect aquatic species' survival and health. At a research site, we gathered information on a variety of factors, including water temperature, pH levels, dissolved oxygen, nutrient levels, and the presence of contaminants or pathogens. We developed a fuzzy domination graph to show the links between the variables after using fuzzy logic to determine the degrees of dominance for each variable. Our findings shown that fuzzy dominance graphs may efficiently pinpoint the critical factors influencing the health and survival of aquatic animals. This strategy allowed us to take into account the data's unpredictability and uncertainty, which gave us a more nuanced view of the correlations between variables than we would have received from more conventional statistical analysis techniques. Overall, we think fuzzy dominance graphs have a lot of potential to help us better manage and protect aquatic animal populations.