A Systematic Review of Government Control to Minimize Corruption in the Public Sector

Main Article Content

Karina Taqqueri Villanueva


This article aims to systematically identify and examine the best favorable scientific evidence regarding the work of the National Control System (NCS) that minimizes acts of corruption in public administration, the same that is available in the SCOPUS and EPSCO database in the Spanish language before the last five (05) years. The methodology used in the design and writing of this article highlights the mixed method, non-experimental research design and an explanatory, descriptive research level; likewise, it starts with the entry to the SCOPUS and EPSCO database, performing the search for the terms “governmental control,” “governmental audit,” “control in corruption,” “corruption” eliminating all those articles that are not indexed, that have been published between 2015 and 2021, and available for free download from the database.



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Author Biography

Karina Taqqueri Villanueva