Composition and communication, compositional analysis of the communicational pieces of the candidates for mayor of Riobamba in 2023

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Lcda. Ana Lucía Rivera Abarca, Lcdo. Héctor Oswaldo Aguilar Cajas, Liliana Alejandra Funes Samaniego , Miguel Patricio Yépez Martínez


Generating communicational pieces based on compositional norms contribute to generating a better perception by people, in the political field it can generate better and greater options to be the main voting option. The research is based on determining how these compositional elements help make the message conveyed by the candidate easier to understand and be perceived by the voter. The use of biometric equipment determined the levels of attention and fixation that were had of each  of the communicational pieces, through these equipment it was possible to verify the data collected in the investigation and generate a campaign proposal that would contribute to improve the perception of the voter towards the candidate.



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Author Biography

Lcda. Ana Lucía Rivera Abarca, Lcdo. Héctor Oswaldo Aguilar Cajas, Liliana Alejandra Funes Samaniego , Miguel Patricio Yépez Martínez