Assessing The Implementation Of Basel Iii Framework In Rural Banking Sector - A Study On The Preparedness Of Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank (Apgvb), India For Its Compliance

Main Article Content

V. Krishna Mohan
N. Madhu


Basel III aims to improve the stability and resilience of global banks. Its implementation has been ongoing
since 2013, and this study aims to assess its progress and effectiveness and implementation of BASEL III
Norms in India in general and Rural Banking Sector in particular. This assessment will be based on a review
of the literature surrounding the Basel III framework and its implementation. The review will cover the various
components of the framework, such as capital adequacy, market risk, operational risk and liquidity
requirements, and the various challenges faced by regulators and financial institutions, especially Rural Banks
in implementing these requirements. Additionally, this study will also analyze the impact of the Basel III
framework on the banking industry and the broader economy. This analysis will consider both the intended and
unintended consequences of the framework, including its effects on financial stability, credit availability, and
economic growth.

Article Details

Author Biographies

V. Krishna Mohan

Professor, Department of Commerce and Management, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra
Pradesh, India

N. Madhu

Research Scholar, Department of Commerce and Management, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra
Pradesh, India