The Development Of Geothermal Working Areas To Support Fulfillment Of Renewable Energy To Maintaining National Energy Security
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Geothermal is a potential source of renewable energy in Indonesia. Therefore, the development of geothermal
working area offerings can be a solution in meeting national energy needs by using renewable energy sources.
The purpose of this article is to examine the Development of Geothermal Working Area Offering Policies to
Support Fulfillment of Renewable Energy in the Context of Maintaining National Energy Security. In this
study using evaluative research design with descriptive qualitative methods. In this study to determine the
source of information on the research subjects using a purposive technique . Data collection techniques in this
study are interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this study uses a
descriptive evaluative technique using Nvivo. The findings show that the development of geothermal working
area offers is very important in supporting the fulfillment of renewable energy and maintaining national energy
security. Geothermal is a renewable energy source that is unlimited and reliable because it is continuously
produced by the earth naturally. The development of geothermal working area offerings can be carried out
through efforts to explore and exploit geothermal potential in Indonesia. In this case, the government can act
as a regulator and facilitator to accelerate the development of geothermal working area offers.