A study to identify the knowledge on anemia and adherence to iron folate supplementation among antenatal mothers

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Dr. Jasneet Kaur, Dr. Sheela Upendra, Shital Barde


Anaemia is among the most typical conditions associated with pregnancy. Natural bodily changes that occur during gestation have an impact on haemoglobin (Hb), which either has a relative or absolute reduction in content. Iron deficiency anaemia, which affects around 75% of pregnant women, and folic deficient megaloblastic anaemia, which affects more pregnant women with poor diets and who do not take antenatal iron and folic supplements . The present study aims to identify the knowledge regarding anaemia and adherence towards IFA tablet and ultimately to find the correlation between knowledge and adhrerence. A quantitative approach and descriptive survey was used for the study. 80 antenatal women were selected from selected rural areas of pune city through convenience sampling. Participants were contacted approached with prior approval. A semi-structured questionnaire which included sociodemographic and obstetric details was prepared and implemented. Written consent was taken from the mothers before the study. Antenatal mothers were provided with the adequate information before the execution of the study. An inclusion and exclusion criteria was set before the study. The results showed that 53.75% mothers had poor knowledge whereas 38.75% had average knowledge and very less 7.50% had good knowledge. This shows that mothers donot possess adequate knowledge. 62.25% of the antenatal mothers have poor adherence, 27.75% had partial adherence, 10% only had complete adherence. Knowledge and adherence are correlated with each other. When knowledge is less the adherence will also be less. The study concluded that More focus has to be placed on the reporting of tablet ultilisation. The compliance to IFAS may be improved by adequate knowledge and information through various sources.

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