Use of IOT-Based Aquaculture Equipment in India

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Mohamed J. Saadh, Dr. Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty, Dr. Manas Ranjan Mohapatra, Dr. Abhishek Agarwal, Md. Toufiqur Rahman, Dr. Irfan Ahmad Pindoo, Dr. Ashim Bora


Aquaculture has been considered to be the backward area within applied science and so the application of the IoT will be fruitful in making an accurate increase in the facilities. As a result, it's important to use technologies to help identify the problems which are present throughout this region, as opposed towards other sectors including farming. Very slow latency time in the provision of water cleanliness and indeed the consequent consumption of resources including water through farming are examples of challenges presented. The suggested scheme maintains a watchful eye upon that aquariums that utilises aquarium sewage for produce plants; throughout response, water that has been neutralized for acidity & ammonium by hydrogen granules inside the garden bed return to the tank. This report focuses on the facilities that are being offered by the IoT framework for increasing the quality of water for facilitating better aquaculture within India. Through a secondary approach, the uses for this IoT equipment are highlighted for increasing the water quality in the future for enhancing India's fish cultivation. Also, recommendations are developed for increasing the benefits in the future through  the deployment of AI for increasing the capability of understanding the water behavior.

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