Productive Behavior in the First Lactation of Crossbred Holstein Cows at Quimiag and Chambo

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Luis Alfonso Condo Plaza, Fabián Danilo Reyes Silva, José Luis Carrasco Poma, Luis Abdón Rojas Oviedo


Milk production is assumed by prosperous cattle breeders, who have sacrificed to provide protein for the population. Based on this paradigm, the objective was to determine the productive behavior of crossbred Holstein heifers of Químiag and Chambo in their first lactation. In the Methodology, 88 primiparous cows were taken in two stables managed under an open field grazing system with Lolium multiflorum, Dactylis Glomerata, Trifolium repens and Trifolium prantence in addition to the supply of water and mineral salts at will. The data obtained were subjected to a hypothesis test of binomial variables with Student’s t-test to find differences between identical genetic groups with a similar feeding, sanitary and reproductive management system. Results indicate that the heifers considered in the present study reached a height at the withers of 140.72 ± 5.00 cm, a total length of 205.28±10.93 and a cane load index of 4.32±0.30 being superior to the Chambo heifers, the same that started their reproductive life both at effective service and calving at a later time than the Químiag heifers, even the gestation period is slightly lower. Therefore, it is concluded that the highest accumulated production is registered in the Chambo cows, as well as the adjusted production at 305 days and the average production per day.

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