Productivity and Job Satisfaction in PLN Mojokerto: The Influence of Organizational Factors

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Suwandi, Mulyanto Nugroho, Riyadi Nugroho


Utilizing structural equation modeling (SEM) and PLS Warp software, we modeled independent, mediating, and dependent variables as a researcher. A number of instruments were tested and analyzed, and it appears that Person-Organization Fit contributes to Job Satisfaction. As a result, organizational climate, work life quality, and overall organizational climate all change as a result of job satisfaction. Employee satisfaction is directly related to their work environments, whether they feel comfortable with their jobs, whether they are highly influenced by their person-organization fit, and whether they are satisfied with the work they do. Those factors are all greatly influenced by the work environment. Organizational climate and justice have a direct influence on employee performance. Employee performance is significantly affected by these factors. Work-life quality and organizational climate both influence employee morale. Employee Performance is also directly influenced by Person-Organization Fit, whereas employee satisfaction is indirectly influenced by Job Satisfaction. Job satisfaction and performance seem to be indirectly affected by organizational climate. Increasing employee performance by increasing employee satisfaction is one of the most critical factors in enhancing employee performance through organizational justice.

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