Therapeutic Effects Of “Septilin” (Herbal Immunomodulator) Against Periodontal Manifestations: A Systemic Review

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Lakshita Sharma, Sindhu R, Bharathwaj V V, Dinesh Dhamodhar, Sathiyapriya S, Prabu D, Rajmohan M


 Background: The majority of periodontal manifestations present with inflammation caused due to immunological reactions. Host modulatory therapy has been one of the convincing treatments for periodontal diseases. Septilin (Himalaya Drug Company, Bangalore, India) herbal immunomodulator alters immune function's activity through cytokine regulation.

 Aim: To assess the efficacy of Septilin in treating periodontal manifestations following periodontal treatments.

 Methods: A literature review using PubMed, science direct, Cochrane, PubMed, CENTRAL, Science Direct, Lilacs, and Scopus using the Mesh term “Septilin AND periodontitis”. According to the Prisma guidelines, the mesh terms were altered in each search engine

  Results: All the studies showed positive results in treating periodontitis using Septilin. Septilin administered after periodontal treatment gave satisfying results with reduced periodontal manifestations such as inflammation. It was safe to use and did not produce any adverse reactions.

 Conclusion: In the available literature, septilin effectively treated periodontal manifestations

among patients.

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