Indonesian National Military Operation Cooperation (TNI) And The Police of the Republic Of Indonesia (POLRI) In Tackling the Threat of Terrorism in Poso

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Pujo Widodo, Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri, A. Hanief Saha Ghafur3 Abdul Rivai Ras4, A. Josias Simon Runturambi5, Lilly S. Wasitova


Central Sulawesi became an endemic area of radicalism in Indonesia due to the widespread access to communal conflict between the Poso people and implications for the excession of social boundaries over a long period of time. The emergence of acts of terrorism colored the conflict in the Poso area. The purpose of this study is to evaluate cooperation in handling terrorism in Poso Regency which refers to Law Number 5 of 2018 which discusses the Eradication of terrorism crimes. The research method qualitatively uses a phenomenological approach with an inductive way of thinking. The results of this study found that the strategy for dealing with terrorism in Poso district was carried out with a Soft Approach and Hard Approach approach. The hard approach through counter-terrorism police Operations is formally outlined in the operation plan with the code of operations named Control Maleo, Aman Maleo, Camar Maleo, Tinombala and Madago Raya. The conclusion of this study is that the cooperation policy between the TNI and polri in the task of cracking down on acts of terrorism in Poso needs to be improved in forest areas.


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