Flowering biology of Salvia officinalis L. introduced in different climatic conditions of Uzbekistan

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Dusmuratova F.M., Fakhriddinova D.K., Berdiboeva D.B., Yulchieva M.T.


Flowering biology in the conditions of introduction of medicinal Salvia officinalis L. grown in Tashkent Botanical Garden and Jizzakh region, the dynamics of daily and seasonal flowering and the duration of phases in the generative period of the plant (budding, flowering, fertilization), the development of generative branches formed by inflorescences, the maturation of buds and the duration of flowering of the opened flower were studied. The increase in the number of generative branches of the medicinal plant during the growing season affects the duration of the flowering phase,the generative period of the plant in the first and second growing years was found to be 30-35 days, and in subsequent (3-5) growing years this period lasted 25-30 days longer.

The beginning of the generative period of medicinal Salvia officinalis L. grown in the conditions of Jizzakh region began 12-15 days later than the beginning of the generative period of plants grown in the Tashkent Botanical Garden. However, the duration of the phases of growth, development, and generative period (budding, flowering, and fertilization) of the medicinal Salvia officinalis L. grown in different climatic conditions were almost the same, and no significant differences were observed between the number of generative branches per plant and the number of flowers per plant. Medicinal Salvia officinalis L. grown in different climatic conditions, is a factor that confirms its flexibility, fully passing the developmental stages during the growing season.

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