Information and Communication Technology in Occupational Health: A Literature Review from 2014 – 2022

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Dora Cutipa Puma


The purpose of this work was to conduct a systematic search of the literature based on the variables associated with “Information and Communication Technology” and “occupational health” within a range between 2014 and 2022, applying inclusion and exclusion criteria to the various documents obtained from search engines such as Dialnet, EbscoHost, Elsevier, ProQuest, ScienceDirect and PubMed. As a result, 50 articles were obtained referring to the period, language, source of information and contribution in terms of the cognitive, attitudinal and procedural dimensions of the ICT variable that were predetermined for the research. Similarly, it was also possible to gather important information on the cultural dimension of occupational health about risk within the competencies of the public sector and, specifically, within the line of governance. The article selection process followed a Prism diagram, which revealed the totality of articles discarded for not meeting the criteria. Likewise, the descriptive and quantitative methods helped obtain and process data, thus allowing the systematized presentation of results supported by descriptive figures to organize the information dynamically. The findings derived from the study showed that ICTs have undergone a significant evolution framed in the adequacy of the standardization of processes, especially in the field of public service provision that requires the circumstantial improvement of governance at all internal and external levels. Likewise, they provide an improved solution in terms of the occupational health of individuals, specifically in terms of their mental and physical health, being a relevant factor for the improvement of their working conditions through their implementation within the public and private sectors, where they offer a wide range of application.

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