A Comprehensive Review on Paper Cutting Machine Using Solar Power

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P.K. Devan, A. Balaji krishna bharathi, Dhanasekar S, Mathesh T. A, Kamesh T


The paper cutting machine using Solar Power is used to cut the papers in equal and accurate dimensions. The main principle of this method is used to reduce the human power and time consumption by eliminating the wastage of the raw materials. The manually handed paper cutting machine which causes improper cutting of the paper. So we made the automatic machine which eliminates this drawback. The main peculiarity of machine is its automatic working, reduced man power, required less time. Paper is one of the majorly used material in our day to day activities in taking information’s down necessary information’s, it is very important that there is a machine that can handle it at a domestic level to give the desired form for various use. The machine is made up of a motor, an aurdino board, plastic materials, blade, and belt. The machine also uses code which is programmed on the aurdino board which helps to set the length of cut and the slider which holds the blade slides to cut the paper. The machine is tested and the output is evaluated. It is well suited for small scale industries.

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