Prevalence of ABO and Rh-D Blood Groups in Almergeb Provence Libya

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Mohammed Farhat S. Othman, Aboajila M. Alfalos, Zaed Mohamed Jaber, Aboubaker Saleh M. Alasga , Ryad Alati


Background: While having different frequencies and distributions, the ABO and Rhesus blood type systems are shared by all human populations. The distribution of the ABO and Rhesus blood groups is vital for the effective operation of blood banks and secure blood transfusion services because research has linked specific diseases with blood group systems.

Aim of the work: The aim this study is to determine the frequency of ABO and Rh (D) in Almergeb Provence / Libya.

Materials and Methods: 4850 samples were collected. All participants are older than 18 and have a body mass index of at least 45 kg. The data collection was done with the blood bank's permission and only used donor ABO and Rh factor, age, gender, and place of blood donation. ABO and Rh blood typing were done via the traditional slide agglutination (Ag-Ab) method. 

Results: The prevalence of blood groups from this study shows that the phenotype O positive is the commonest (34.14%), then phenotype A positive (32.22%), B positive (13.03%), O negative (7.03%). A negative (5.43%), AB positive (5.2%), B negative (2.19%) and AB negative (0.76%).

According to rhesus phenotype our results showed 84.27 % of the individuals were (Rh+) and (15.73%) were (Rh-).

Conclusion: This population's distribution of Rhesus and ABO blood groups follows trends seen in other parts of our country. Although varying results from investigations conducted in various parts of Libya, all revealed that blood type O was under control, consistent with the pattern found in this study.

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