Physiological and histopathological study of chronic respiratory disease infected chickens in basrah city

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Salma saeed abbas, waleed majeed almayahi, Iqbal A. AlRufaei, Nawras A.Alwan


Chronic respiratory disease is one of the economically important diseases that affects poultry and causes high mortality, and this negatively affects the poultry industry. Mycoplasma is the main cause of chronic respiratory infection in addition to presence of E.Coli in such disease , and coli bacteria play a role in the emergence of some complications, the current research aimed to study the physiological and histological effects in Broiler chickens with chronic respiratory disease,the samples were collected from the infected broiler chick farms and from veterinary clinics and diagnosed clinically, then blood was drawn and some tissues were fixed to prepare it for histopathological . The results showed a significant decrease in the number of Red blood cells(RBC), the rate of Hemoglobin(Hb), the hematocrit(Hct), and a significant increase in the number of white blood cells(WBC), liver enzymes(AST),(ALT), and Cardiac protein (Tn) for infected chickens compared to the control group.   Histopathological   sections       were exhibited congestion, inflammation, vacuolation, and necrosis in the liver and heart in chickens infected with chronic respiratory disease, compared to that of control.

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